Fall Impact Series 2022
YLC hosted its first Fall Impact Series Half-Day Conference on Thursday, September 29th at the Family & Children’s Service – Honey Alexander Center. The Fall Impact Series was sponsored by Amazon and offered attendees an opportunity to network and hear unique perspectives on pressing topics related to nonprofit board leadership from recognized community leaders.
Photos by Roland’s Photography
The Conference featured two discussion tracks, including a conversation with highly accomplished nonprofit board and executive leaders focused on “Driving Mission and Board Success”. Beth Torres, President & CEO of Make-A-Wish Middle Tennessee; Perri duGard Owens, Board Chair for the Nashville Children’s Theatre and President & CEO of duGard Communications; and Cullen Douglass, Board Chair for Family & Children’s Service and Wealth Management Advisor with Northwestern Mutual, served as panelist for session one. Sarah Rochford Benfield, YLC Board Chair and Business Analyst Executive Support for HCA Healthcare, served as moderator.
Photos by Roland’s Photography
Session two focused on identifying “Strategies to Build and Maintain an Equitable and Inclusive Leadership Environment.” The conversation featured perspectives from notable education and philanthropic leaders such as Dr. Maya Bugg, CEO of the Tennessee Charter School Center; Kaki Friskics-Warren, Executive Director of the Maddox Fund; and Samuel Jackson, VP of Programs & Grants for The Healing Trust. Dr. Candace Warner, Founder & CEO of people3, Inc. served as moderator.
Photos by Roland’s Photography
YLC is grateful for the generosity support provided by Amazon and for the thoughtful discussion and suggestions shared by our panelists.
Would you like to share your feedback for future Impact Series topics? We would love to hear from you! Please email your suggestions to Kim James at kim@youngleaderscouncil.org.